Dear Readers,
Again, I bring a theme to this blog by recent experience,
I find myself taking up a project team and decide to hire
local employees to continue execution. When I were checking the information in
the map and contrasted with the reality I found a lot of gaps, I asked the
reason for this loss of information and the employees answered: "They just
told us what we going to do, they never
mentioned why"
Is not the first time I saw something similar, and I assume
also to many of you; who exercise a supervisory or management role. Moreover,
the question I hear is: Which one is the rewards if we waste time explaining the
target of the work, if they will not understand (using, work, research, etc.)? -
What a great disappointment to hear those words, in that way I hope this post
could answer that WHY.
First, the benefits of communicate:
The short time we have, is a short time to work. But, we don’t
explain to the team, how relevant are the roles, and the relations with the
final product. If you are the person who have the communication with the staff,
you must to explain the benefits of the labor, and how that will work until you
When working in installation or construction, I easy for the
staff drill, trench or build; but they do not know in what they are working. I
bring you some reasons to communicate:
- Integrate and motivate the team, take the time to explain to the people what we are doing allows them to feel part of the project and become involved with having a final product. In this point is important to communicate the time, goals and customer requirements. For example, in e-commerce the companies have a department that handled pricing, this department as its name suggests is responsible for giving an estimated customers of the products published price. However it was not until they explained the importance of they work with the final purchase that the team start to have the results expected.
- Advertise of the work of the company, If the staff know the work that is being done, That will be a benefit for both the company and the employee. The popular voice is powerful and we cannot forget that employees could communicate what the company does.
- Get new ideas, when required finding a solution to a particular problem and must be decided in the right moment,talk with staff and find alternatives to them it can become much more beneficial than some believe. Sometimes these people are very experienced in the field, and already had a similar problem before, so listen to new ideas can clarify biased minds. "Field decisions should be taken in the field. Not behind a desk"
- Preventing risks and damage to the project, having acknowledge about the project and the specifications of the materials the staff will be more carefully with the use. For example in the drop of cables, you must be alert to don’t bend it.
- The image of the company, a company is judge based on the quality and acknowledge of their staff, not just the professional staff also by the executor.
The question is: what company provides a better image
through their employees?
Second, the benefits of develop:
When looking on the bright side of providing an improved
knowledge of individuals rescued a post that LinkedIn saw a few months ago,
The CFO ask to CEO: - What if we invest in the development of our staff and they go out?
The CEO answered: What if we do not do it and they stay?
Develop a person does not always mean a big investment, or requires
to send them to courses outside the company. Otherwise, you can encourage them
to employees and supervisors transmit knowledge. The great concern of many is:
"I will teach my future replacement." To do this requires:
- Explain that it will not be a replacement, and this training will allow the company to increase the workload.
- Facilitate teaching concepts and models, so they can be offer in the organization.
- Start from senior positions and work down. Persuade by example.
- Ask upgrade scenarios in which you should prepare a list of information to be filled. I recommend the following publication detailing steps to this transition: Happy Ending
My father taught me: "It is not
always promote a good technical to supervisor; you can lose a great technical
and earn a bad supervisor"
True, but perhaps since they are technicians, the bosses
could transmit the necessary knowledge to take this step, if they are invited
to meetings as a listener, or are taken in consideration to know their views
and indirectly those undergoing the evaluation. Those are also alternatives.
Many companies offer bonuses to reward an employee to train
other and having each promotion within the company, another option is to
include this element in the staff evaluations,
Among the benefits we are:
- Increased workload; you can have more experienced field supervisors.
- Improve work performance; if you have a motivated staff always work better.
- Reduce the indispensability of a person; you could considerate a plan B with some employees.
- Exalt the reputation of the company; a satisfied employee with the knowledge acquired in his previous job will speak better.
In addition, never forget that work teams are comparable
with the wolves; they seek the survival of the herd before they own survive,
I hope these benefits could be interesting and considered
for implementation,
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