miércoles, 1 de julio de 2015

How to use storytelling to sell an idea

Dear Readers,

One of the responsibilities of the management position that you must do in the meetings is to propose new ideas to a committee, and find how those ideas could be approved.
In particular, I like to have background material based on two main elements:
Neurolinguistics programming (NLP) and storytelling. Both can be consolidated into presentations. Something important of the presentations is the 80% - 83% of 80 percent of the sensory information the brain receives comes from our eyes (1)(2)


Neurolinguistics programming studying the structure of subjective experience. This argues that we think and act based on our internal considerations and not an objective view of how the world actually.
In other words if we break down its acronym expression "Neuro Linguistic Programming" can be described as follows:
Program: results and internal stimulation are a consequence of a set of mental beliefs (programs), which could be modified and / or replaced.
Neuro: Our experience about the universe, how is it, how we receive and process information through our neurological system: The Five Senses.
Language: We give meaning to what we experience through language. Our language patterns are an expression of who we are and how we think.

If we understand that concept and we know the target, we may use appropriate language for the message will be better received. Using appropriate colors for the partners, you could have a better perception.
For example, If you have showing an idea for one of the founders of the company, you can use in one of the slide the logo with which it was founded.

  • Other considerations that you can take:
  • Use colors with sitting identified the company.
  •  Emphasize ideas you want to convey, or highlight. If we are talking about projections and the key word is change, you can use bold to enhance reading.
  • Allocate resources using colors more visible that activity it's up to each department.
  •  Avoid excessive use of text and find images that represent them.

One publications from the marketing expert Seth Godin who published "Really Bad PowerPoint", a paper about the bad use of PowerPoint for presentations. If you want read it, use the next link.

When I had the opportunity to promote my entrepreneurship with the use of these elements, I sought to convey a professional and fun environment, achieving the following results: presentation (TECHNOX3000).


When we seek to raise a new idea is not only that the committee discuss it seems good enough for passage. However, this idea is a product that is required to sell the right way to people who have to face.

The storytelling is used as a marketing technique in which it is intended that potential customers feel involved with the context and situation in which he could or could be involved arises.

The advantages of this connection with the audience is diverse, but will highlight the ones I like to use, such as providing a context, appeal to an emotional side and make it easy to remember.

Using this technique illustratively, they can get the audience is fully attuned to the problem before selling the solution (the idea).

I had the opportunity to sell an idea that although it was small, looking to innovate and add an additional process to the relationship with customers. This procedure most experienced salespeople in the company regarded it as unnecessary, so the sale of the product is required to meet with the appropriate situation to sell the idea.

In this link you will see the start of the presentation to generate the storytelling: presentation.

To learn more about storytelling I leave this link.

Following these two items, we can better communicate in selling ideas.
I hope that will be helpful for future meetings


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